Wednesday, May 13, 2009

If you have a rich lifestyle; traveler, smart and practical, then better use Nokia Mobile phones

If you have a rich lifestyle; traveler, smart and practical, then better use Nokia Mobile phones

This is not an “ADS”. This is a purely product review so that my fellow consumers might know the best thing in mobile phones.

As we could see, Philippines is really unique among nations of the world because we are composed of 7,100 island. We are absolutely tropical country of the SEA (South-East Asia), a paradise structure of land, a perfect climate for human to live, rich of natural but undeveloped resources, great beaches either developed or virgin beaches and a lot of places, islet, and island to travel.

Since form the bomb like explosion of the wireless mobile phones in the late 90’s and early 20’s, Nokia jumped to be the number 1 mobile phone in the Philippines. Nokia leap behind Motorola, Philips, Siemens and other mobile phone which I have tried them all.

I had been in Iligan City, Philippines for my summer visit to the wonderful “Twin Maria Christina Falls” carrying my mobile phones with me and with some of my cyber friends which I met online before my travel date. Maria Christina falls is just a few kilometers away from Iligan City but before we reached to the vicinity area, my friends wonder why their Motorola, their Siemens and Philips doesn’t have Communication signal at all. I used Asus phone, Nokia 3350 and N73 with my extra N 7610i for my other Network that time, we have the same network but I got 3 level network signals.

So for other travelers like me, I would recommend Nokia Mobile phones. Their quality is really “great”. Yeah actually it is not the only occasion were I tried the quality of Nokia Mobile phones but many times including internet using mobile phone.

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Makisig Bayani

Author & Editor

Hi! I am a techsavvy and it is my hobby to try all the products available in the market! It is fun! So before I will publish my review, I would make sure that I have tried them. If I said it is good then it is good based on my assessment but when I say it is a bad product then it is bad based on my experienced.


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